“Bind shells” are used to spawn a shell on a remote system and provide access to it over a network. At minimum, a bind shell would need to carry out the following tasks:
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In August, 2018, I identified multiple vulnerabilities in the XBTIT torrent tracker software; a system in use by various active torrent trackers.
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When exploiting local file inclusion vulnerabilities on a host that does not adhere to The Principle of Least Privilege, a common file to target is the SAM file in order to crack the NTLM hashes or to attempt Pass The Hash attacks. What about when the web server is the only service and there is no practical use of those hashes?
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On 11th July, 2018, a pull request was opened on the WordPress Exploit Framework GitHub Page to add a new feature that a user (Vinicius Marangoni) had created whilst completing a boot2root machine from VulnHub.
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If you're dual booting a Windows and Ubuntu desktop, it can feel a bit cumbersome having to wait for GRUB and then manually choosing to boot into Windows. There is a utility packaged with GRUB which can help resolve this, but it requires a bit of setup.
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