Upon connecting to the provided server via SSH, a Nyan Cat loop is instantly launched. There appears to be no way to escape this.
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When setting the preferred power mode in the PowerMizer settings of the NVIDIA control panel in Ubuntu, the setting is reset after a reboot of the system. As the default setting forces the GPU to use an adaptive power setting, this can result in decreased performance until such time as setting PowerMizer to prefer maximum performance again.
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On a few occasions as of late, I’ve wanted to use the windows[/x64]/exec payload from msfvenom, but with the goal of:
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During a recent pentest, I needed to throw together a macOS virtual machine. Although there was lots of guides around the web, none seemed to work from start to finish. This post contains the steps I extracted from various resources in order to get a fully working High Sierra install within VirtualBox 5.
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In addition to using encoders to evade AV detection, encryption can also be utilised to beat pattern detection. One of the benefits of encryption over encoding is that without the key used to encrypt the shellcode, it will not be possible to decrypt it (without exploiting weaknesses within the chosen algorithm).
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