Service Discovery & Authentication BypassAn Nmap scan [nmap -sS -sV -T4 -Pn -vv] revealed a number of different services running on the machine and fingerprinted the machine as running CentOS:
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Service DiscoveryAn Nmap scan [nmap -sS -sV -T4 -vv] revealed that the machine had a number of services running, most notably an old version of Apache and a Samba service.
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FristiLeaks is a VM created by Ar0xA and has a difficulty rating of “basic”. The goal is to get root access and read the flag file.
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Due to a lack of CSRF mitigation and entity encoding in the output generated by `arabic-font.php` and `/inc/panel.php`, it is possible to store and execute scripts in the context of an admin user.
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This is the first time I have written a blog post regarding WordPress Exploit Framework. I’ve never felt the need to write one yet, but given some of the changes in the latest update that I have pushed to GitHub, it seemed fitting to do so now in order to update people on some of the bigger changes in v1.6.1.
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