
A simple and flexible HTML5 and JavaScript powered game engine.

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Got a question you think should appear here? Let us know on GitHub!

Is Pixel.js still in beta?

Yes, it is! And as such, you should use only the documented features were possible to ensure your existing games retain compatibility with future versions.

Are there any plans to add 3D support in the future?

At this moment in time the focus of Pixel.js is purely 2D game development and there are no plans for 3D support.

Which image formats are supported?

The image formats supported by the built in assets are determined by the executing browser as opposed to the engine itself. Click Here to see a comparison of image format support across various browsers.

Should I use transparency keys or create transparent sprites?

Transparency keys are supported in Pixel.js, however it is recommended you create any required transparency in your sprites themselves and export as a PNG file to decrease loading times.

Which audio formats are supported?

The supported audio formats, much like the supported image formats, are determined by the executing browser. Click Here to see a complete list of the audio formats supported by various browsers.

Can I use Pixel.js in commercial games?

Yes! You are free to use Pixel.js in commercial products. No attribution to Pixel.js is required, however it would be much appreciated if the word was spread.